Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Did I mention to you that I don't stick to things very well?

Well, I don't, clearly evident by the lack of blog posting since DECEMBER!  Wow!  But there is one thing I have stuck to - running!

As of my last post, I've had surgery to remove a nasty gallbladder which has been a huge blessing!  I feel much better.  The lack of the feeling of an elephant on my chest has made me feel like a new person.  Praise the Lord!

I've also signed up for 2 - count them - 2 half marathons.  The first of which is in 18 days, September 5th in Eugene.  The next is October 10th in Portland.  I've been very consistent in my training and have put in at least 3 good runs per week since signing up.  Some may say 3 runs a week isn't much, but it has worked out very well for me.  I've gradually increased my mileage - my longest run being 10.31 miles - and my time has been improving.  Granted, I'm not out there looking for a Boston qualifier (yet!) but seeing my pace improve gives me good motivation to continue to enter those 5 and 8k's just to see my time come down.  It's also a good boost to the ego :)

My endurance has significantly improved as well.  Those 3 miles I used to run in 34 minutes has come down to sub-30 minutes.  It also doesn't quite quench the thirst for the miles, so my easy and short days are now 5 to 6 mile runs.  I'll throw some 7's in there occassionally just for kicks :)

I've lost 15 pounds since I really started training.  Watching my diet and really restricting those bad-for-you carbs has helped a lot with that.  They say for every pound you lose you alleviate 4 pounds of pressure on your knees.  If this is true, I've reduced pressure on my knees by 60 pounds with each stride.  That seems significant to me!

All in all I feel great!  I feel healthy.  I feel like I'm accomplishing something big.  Something I would have never dreamed I could do.  I remember the first time I tried to run.  That .2 miles felt like torture and I could barely catch my breath.  Today, I can run more than 10 miles and my dreams are big.  Today a half marathon.  Next year, a full 26.2.  I aspire to it.

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